petro jikken
Petro Jikken combines state-of-the-art research solutions with practical engineering applications acquired through years of seismic evaluation and retrofit experience. We take pride in the expertise of our key people in providing effective, efficient, and sustainable structural engineering solutions.

Our Featured Projects.
Structural Restoration of San Sebastian Basilica
Petro Jikken provides structural restoration services to San Sebastian Basilica Conservation and Development Foundation Inc.
Maxicare Tower
We provided seismic evaluation and retrofit services to Maxicare Philippines - one of the largest HMO Service company in the country.
Structural Stability and Seismic Evaluation of Botocan Dam
PJI conducted detailed structural stability and seismic evaluation services to Botocan Dam - the oldest dam in the Philippines. PJI combines state-of-the-art condition assessment methods and innovative seismic evaluation techniques to provide holistic structural engineering solutions and recommendations.
Structural Assessment and Design of Globe Telecom Towers
Petro Jikken is providing structural services for the design of new telecommunication towers, and investigation and retrofit of existing telecom towers.
Structural and Civil Engineering Consultancy Services for the Tiwi Binary Geothermal Plant
Petro Jikken provided seismic and geo-hazard assessment, structural design and civil engineering design for the proposed plant.
(Left photo credit: https://www.dailyguardian.com.ph/aboitizpower-set-to-build-binary-geothermal-plant-in-albay/
Right photo credit:https://www.thinkgeoenergy.com/aboitiz-power-to-expand-tiwi-geothermal-facility-with-binary-plant/)
Stay In Touch.

Petro Jikken Inc.
Suite 406, The Gregorian Building, 2178 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines
Tel: +632 8442-8419
Mobile No.: +63-917-634-8250